天津镀锌方管市场价格偏强调整,市场方面,原料价格小幅上调,前期观望向上调整出货报价,现市场1.0规格参考报价在4820-5350元/吨,成交方面,市场成交较为出现下 滑,大户日均成交在600吨左右,低于正常出货水平,库存方面来看,市场资源仍旧处在低位,国营方管厂家资源偏紧,考虑上游热卷价格高位运行,镀锌方管作为下游产 品订单成本偏高,方管厂家挺价意愿偏强,故料短期天津镀锌方管市场高位震荡。
The market price of galvanized square tube in Tianjin is relatively strong and adjusted. In terms of the market, the raw material price is slightly increased. In the early stage, the manufacturer of square tube will adjust the shipping quotation upward. At present, the reference quotation of 1.0 specification in the market is 4820-5350 yuan / ton. In terms of transaction, the market transaction is relatively low In terms of inventory, the market resources are still at a low level, and the resources of state-owned square tube manufacturers are tight. Considering the high operation of upstream hot coil prices, the order cost of galvanized square tubes as downstream products is high, and the willingness of square tube manufacturers to support prices is strong. Therefore, it is expected that the market for galvanized square tubes in Tianjin will fluctuate at a high level in the short term.
In terms of square tube price, 1.0 Xinyu 4820 yuan / ton, up 50 yuan compared with last week; 1.0 Angang 5150 yuan / ton, up 120 yuan compared with last week; 1.0 Shougang 5350 yuan / ton, up 50 yuan compared with last week.
天津市场短期镀锌方管价格延续偏强厂家拉涨过快方管 天津镀锌方管市场价格继续上行。市场方面,周初开市,在热卷期货疯狂推高的刺激下,本地冷轧市场亦强势上行,方管厂家报价在5150-5250元/吨左右,较上周末涨80-100元/吨。据了解,一方面是受周末唐山钢坯拉涨影响,成本支撑强劲;另一方面是期货开盘大涨配合以及唐山价高带动,多重利好因素提振,导致本地市场涨幅… 天津镀锌方管市场高位震荡厂家向上调整出货报价方管 天津镀锌方管市场价格偏强调整,市场方面,原料价格小幅上调,前期观望方管厂家向上调整出货报价,现市场1.0规格参考报价在4820-5350元/吨,成交方面,市场成交较为出现下 滑,大户日均成交在600吨左右,低于正常出货水平,库存方面来看,市场资源仍旧处在低位,国营方管厂家资源偏紧,考虑上游热卷价格高位运行,… 天津镀锌方管价格或将进入窄幅盘整阶段厂家价格持续上涨方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场价格继续攀高,整体成交量有所转弱。周内,成本方管市场价格持续拉涨,加之京津冀区域限产、关停利好消息的刺激,对天津镀锌方管价格的支撑作用有所增强,本地镀锌方管价格随之频繁上调。从市场了解到,随着周内价格的持续上涨,高价资源出货情况开始回落,成交逐渐趋于收紧。另据悉,由于方管…