Tianjin galvanized square tube market prices continue to rise. In terms of the market, the market opened at the beginning of the week. Stimulated by the crazy promotion of hot coil futures, the local cold rolling market also rose strongly. The quotation of square tube manufacturers was about 5150-5250 yuan / ton, which was 80-100 yuan / ton higher than last weekend. It is understood that, on the one hand, the cost support is strong due to the pulling up of Tangshan steel billets at the weekend; on the other hand, the sharp rise of futures opening and the high price of Tangshan have boosted the local market by multiple favorable factors, leading to the increase of over 100% in the local market. However, from the transaction point of view, due to the price pull up too fast, and the range is too large, the downstream acceptance is general. Comprehensive consideration, inventory side is still no pressure, it is expected that the local market short-term galvanized square tube prices continue to be strong.
In terms of square tube price, local 1.2-2.0 mm Tiantie square tube quoted 5080-5100 yuan / ton, 1.0-2.0 mm Shougang square tube quoted 5200-5250 yuan / ton; 1.0-2.0 mm Angang large box plate quoted 5350 yuan / ton, 1.0-2.0 mm Tanggang thin-walled square tube quoted 5130-5150 yuan / ton.
天津镀锌方管价格或将进入窄幅盘整阶段厂家价格持续上涨方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场价格继续攀高,整体成交量有所转弱。周内,成本方管市场价格持续拉涨,加之京津冀区域限产、关停利好消息的刺激,对天津镀锌方管价格的支撑作用有所增强,本地镀锌方管价格随之频繁上调。从市场了解到,随着周内价格的持续上涨,高价资源出货情况开始回落,成交逐渐趋于收紧。另据悉,由于方管… 天津镀锌方管市场平稳盘整较低的市场需求方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场平稳盘整,成交情况依旧不容乐观。周内,本地产热轧管坯大幅上涨。进入12月份,本地镀锌方管市场主流方管厂家日出货量已明显减少,随着温度降低,还将进一步萎缩。从需求方面来说,目前造成市场有价无市最主要的原因就是社会需求较少,直接导致整个产业链运行不畅,但就目前的情形看,短期内并… 天津市场短期镀锌方管价格延续偏强厂家拉涨过快方管 天津镀锌方管市场价格继续上行。市场方面,周初开市,在热卷期货疯狂推高的刺激下,本地冷轧市场亦强势上行,方管厂家报价在5150-5250元/吨左右,较上周末涨80-100元/吨。据了解,一方面是受周末唐山钢坯拉涨影响,成本支撑强劲;另一方面是期货开盘大涨配合以及唐山价高带动,多重利好因素提振,导致本地市场涨幅…