上海市场镀锌方管价格暂稳运行,市场成交一般。本周前两天市场价格因期货下跌、市场成交偏差有小幅下调。今日贸易商多选择平盘出货,根据客户实际 需求议价出货,但议价空间有限。成交方面:据反馈,昨日上海某镀锌大户成交量在600吨左右,属于正常水平的六七成。心态方面,对于短期行情,方管厂家认为还是弱势下跌为主,主要原因在于市场成交情况不太理想。但是下跌空间有限,资源成本高位一定程度上支撑镀锌现货市场价格。综合来看,短期上海镀锌方管市场或将弱势运行。
The price of galvanized square pipe in Shanghai market is stable for the time being, and the market turnover is general. Market prices fell slightly in the first two days of this week due to the decline in futures and market trading bias. Today, traders often choose flat-plate delivery and bargain according to the actual needs of customers, but the bargaining space is limited. Trading: According to the feedback from traders, the volume of a large galvanized household in Shanghai yesterday was about 600 tons, which was 67% of the normal level. In terms of mentality, for the short-term market, the main reason why the manufacturers think it is still weak is that the market turnover is not ideal. However, the falling space is limited, and the high resource cost to some extent supports the spot market price of galvanizing. Generally speaking, the galvanized square pipe market in Shanghai will be weak in the short run. 方管价格方面:今日上海鞍钢无花1.0*1250*C报价4550元/吨,本钢 1.0*1250*C报价4540元/吨,马钢1.0*1250*C报价4860元/吨,首钢1.0*1250*C报价4590元/吨,唐钢 1.0*1250*C报价4560元/吨。
As for square pipe price, Anshan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. today quotes 4550 yuan/ton for No-Flower 1.0*1250*C, Benxi Iron and Steel Co. 1.0*1250*C for 4540 yuan/ton, Ma Steel 1.0*1250*C for 4860 yuan/ton, Shougang 1.0*1250*C for 4590 yuan/ton, Tanggang 1.0*1250*C for 4560 yuan/ton.