价格持续走弱,市场方面,今本地市价主流持稳,心态谨慎观望为主,然市场交投表现清淡。据本地方管厂家反馈,高位成交明显不佳仅低位小幅放量,终端需求整体有 限。目前各方管厂家库存基本维持正常偏低水平,个别用户清空库存,故暂无较大压力。但考虑到成本端坚挺及午后期货震荡走高,故预计短期本地方管价格弱势盘整运行。
Wuxi Fangguan prices continue to weaken, the market, today the mainstream of local market prices is stable, businessmen are cautious and wait-and-see, but the market performance is light. According to feedback from local traders, high-level transactions are obviously not good, only low-level small volume, the overall demand for terminals is limited. At present, the inventory of various businesses has basically maintained a normal low level, and individual users have emptied the inventory, so there is no greater pressure for the time being. However, considering the strong cost side and the high commodity shock in the late afternoon, it is expected that the local government will consolidate its weak prices in the short term.
For square pipe price, hot rolled square 2.5* (235-355) Ruifeng 3850, 2.5* (145-204) Xuanhua Steel 3840, 2.5* (160-355) Zhongtian 3840, down 30 yuan/ton from the previous trading day.