周初开盘,方管市场价格主跌个稳。早盘开市,期货市场开局不利,低开低走,各地方管现货价格受此影响也纷纷下跌。目前,华北地区价格在3830-3840元,华东价格3830元,华南 价格3940元,北材南下华南具有一定优势,华东地区和华北价格持平,后市到货或有减量可能。今日期货市场全天走势低迷,成交不佳,乐从大户成交仅在 300吨左右,邯郸大户在百吨到千吨不等,主要在于部分库存较大的降价出货以降库降风险。上海大户出货400吨左右。下午天津,乐从、上海等底价格 追跌20-30元以刺激出货,邯郸等地大户则议价出货。目前环保限产驱动作用已过,市场或进入几天的回落状态,回落幅度(均价)在30元左右。
At the beginning of the week, the hot coil market prices fell steadily. When the futures market opened early, it started badly and opened low. Local managed spot prices were also affected by this. At present, the prices in North China are 3830-3840 yuan, in East China 3830 yuan, and in South China 3940 yuan. North timber has certain advantages in South China. The prices in East China and North China are equal, and future arrivals may be reduced. Today's futures market is in a downturn all day, with poor turnover. Lecong's trading volume is only about 300 tons. Handan's trading volume ranges from 100 tons to 1000 tons. The main reason is that some of the larger stockpiled square tube manufacturers reduce prices and deliver goods to reduce the risk of warehouse. Shanghai Dahu shipped about 400 tons. In the afternoon in Tianjin, the bottom prices of Lecong and Shanghai dropped by 20-30 yuan to stimulate shipment, while big households in Handan and other places negotiated for shipment. At present, the driving role of environmental production restriction has passed, the market or entered a few days of decline, the decline range (average price) is about 30 yuan. 方管价格方面,国内热轧卷板均价3872元(吨价,下同),较昨日下跌11元,较上周同期跌24元。
As for square tube price, the average price of domestic hot rolled coil sheet is 3872 yuan (ton price, the same below), which is 11 yuan lower than yesterday and 24 yuan lower than the same period last week.