泰安方管市场价格小幅回调,成交一般。黑色系期货呈全局飘红趋势,其结果直接拉动现货市场信心,开市后,本地亦随行就市,跟随主要城 市邯郸等地方管价格上调,但是随着价格上调,下游用户接受程度毕竟有限,成交未见明显好转,长远看来,方管现货市场仍旧缺少价格持续回调的过硬基础,当前大环境 下,以期货带动现货价格或许只是昙花一现,最终还是有回落的可能,还望众谨慎操作为主。
Tai'an side manages the market price to pull back slightly, the transaction is general. Black futures show a global trend of red, the result directly stimulates the confidence of the spot market. After the opening of the market, the local market also followed the rise of prices in Handan and other major cities. However, with the price increase, the acceptance of downstream users is limited after all, and the turnover has not improved significantly. In the long run, the local spot market still lacks a hard foundation for sustained price callback, and the current big ring. In this situation, it may be a flash in the pan to expect the spot price to be driven by the goods. Finally, there is the possibility of a fall. It is also hoped that the businessmen will operate cautiously.
In terms of square pipe price, Puyang 3840 yuan (tonnage, the same below), Tiangang, Jigang, Tang Wenfeng 3840 yuan, Yuanbaoshan 3820 yuan, manganese plate plus 260 yuan.