上海镀锌方管价格宽幅上行,市场方面,期螺2101震荡走强收3929,涨51,涨幅1.32%。唐山钢坯涨 30报3620元/吨含税出厂。今上海镀锌方管宽幅上行,主流规格价格在4210-4220元/吨。经了解得知,期货大幅高走,提振市场心态,拉涨意愿明 显,但终端高位采买观望,低位资源成交走量。库存方面:本周上海同口径库存为27.7万吨,增加0.55万吨;全体仓库库存为42.35万吨,减少 0.05万吨。综合考虑市场需求尚可,预计短期内本地镀锌方管主流价格或高位盘整。
The price of galvanized square tube in Shanghai rose in a wide range. In terms of the market, futures 2101 was stronger and stronger, closing at 3929, up 51% or 1.32%. Tangshan billet rose 30 yuan to 3620 yuan / ton, including tax. Today, the width of galvanized square pipe in Shanghai is up, and the mainstream specification price is 4210-4220 yuan / ton. It is learned that futures go up sharply, boosting the market mentality, and square management manufacturers have obvious willingness to pull up, but the terminal high-level purchase and wait-and-see, and the low-level transaction volume of resources. In terms of inventory: this week, the inventory of the same caliber in Shanghai was 277000 tons, an increase of 55000 tons; the inventory of all warehouses was 423500 tons, a decrease of 0500 tons. Considering the market demand, it is expected that the mainstream price or high consolidation of local galvanized square pipe in the short term is expected.
In terms of square tube price: at present, the mainstream price of square tube resources above 5.5mm * 1500 is 4210-4220 yuan / ton, that of 5.5mm * 1500 thin-walled square tube is 4310-4320 yuan / ton, and that of 5.5mm * 1800 square tube resources is 4420-4440 yuan / ton.