莱芜方管价格窄幅调整,市场方面,今期货午后震荡大幅下挫,今晨整体有所好转,午后随即凉凉。目前本地库存一般,但有个别规格有缺货现象,市场高位难济低位尚可。现 下游需求仍然不足,市价高攀乏力。近两日唐山方坯坚挺支撑,方管考虑成本下行阻力仍存。宏观方面,黑色系期货走势显著分化,整体呈现“矿强钢弱”格局,在 成本端铁矿石价格迭创新高之际,产物端螺纹钢价格却震荡趋弱。目前来看,钢厂利润大概率会在三季度反弹,或会使得矿强钢弱局面得到阶段性缓解。市场时值淡 季,价格大幅变动可能性不大。综合来看,预计短期内市场或窄幅盘整为主。
Laiwu Fangguan price narrow adjustment, the market, futures afternoon shocks fell sharply this morning, the overall improvement, then cool in the afternoon. At present, the local stock is general, but there are some shortages in the specifications of individual square managed manufacturers, and the market is still high and difficult to help low. At present, the downstream demand is still insufficient and the market price is high and weak. In recent two days, Tangshan billet has been strongly supported, and the downward resistance of square tube considering cost still exists. Macroscopically, the trend of black futures is markedly differentiated, showing a pattern of "strong ore and weak steel". At the time of high iron ore prices at the cost side, the price of screw steel at the product side is weakening. At present, the profit margin of steel mills will rebound in the third quarter, or the weak situation of strong steel will be alleviated in stages. The market is off-season, and there is little possibility that prices will change dramatically. Generally speaking, the market or narrow consolidation is expected to dominate in the short term.
As for square pipe price, hot-rolled square pipe 2.5* (232-355) Laiwu Steel 3920 (ton price, the same below), 3.0*700 Taiyuan Steel 3860, up 10 yuan/ton from the previous trading day.