成都镀锌方管市场价格主流探涨,市场方面,由于西南区域冷轧价格处于全国低洼地区,与华东区域价差严重倒挂,在低库存的支撑下,主动提涨现货价格目前市场价格贴近5000元左 右。据了解,冷轧价格持续冲高,冷轧产能利用率已经连续四周增加,且逼近近几年来的高点,但全国冷轧库存依然呈现出六连降的良好表现,目前基本面偏暖,不 过今日期货呈现跳水行情,是否就此进入下行通道还需要几日观察成交而定。综合考虑,预计当地市场短期镀锌方管价格盘整观望。
In terms of the market, the cold rolling price in Southwest China is in a low-lying area in China, and the price difference between the two regions is seriously inverted. With the support of low inventory, the square tube manufacturers have actively raised the spot price, and the current market price is close to 5000 yuan. It is understood that cold rolling prices continue to rise, cold rolling capacity utilization has increased for four consecutive weeks, and is close to the high point in recent years. However, the national cold rolling inventory still shows a good performance of six consecutive falls. At present, the fundamentals are warmer, but the futures market is diving today. Whether or not to enter the downward channel still needs several days to observe the transaction. Comprehensive consideration, it is expected that the local market short-term galvanized square tube price consolidation wait and see.
Square tube price: 0.5mm Panzhihua steel square tube quoted 5360 yuan / ton; 1.0-2.0mm Panzhihua steel square tube quoted 5080 yuan / ton, 1.0-2.0mm Panzhihua steel square tube quoted 4930-4980 yuan / ton; 1.0-2.0mm Liugang square tube quoted 4910-4920 yuan / ton; 0.8mm Jiuquan Steel Square Tube quoted 5020 yuan / ton.
成都镀锌方管价格或震荡趋强厂家成本仍有支撑方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场小幅上涨,成交一般;下游刚需采购,市场交投氛围一般;方管厂家方面:达钢上调30-50元,下游对高价位资源接受度降低,另外德 胜、威钢纷纷发布规格组距价差调整,其中四级钢在三级钢基础上加260元。短期内,市场资源规格短缺,成本仍有支撑,故预计… 成都镀锌方管价格或震荡运行厂家积极出货为主方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格大幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场大幅上涨,成交放缓。受期货震荡趋弱影响,下游需求释放放缓,市场有恐高心理,观望情绪浓厚。另外市场方管厂家积极出货为主,随着 期货的趋弱,市场现货小幅下降。方管厂家方面:达钢上调50-70元。消息面:据国家统计局数据显示,2020年10月份,全国… 成都镀锌方管价格窄幅高靠厂家到货不多方管 成都镀锌方管价格窄幅高靠,市场方面: 现主流规格售价在4400-4420元/吨。据当地贸易商反馈,方管厂家到货不多,正常每个月镀锌方管订货量是1.2-1.5万吨,近三个月方管厂家平均 每个月只给了我们三四千吨,市场流通资源有限,贸易商惜售情绪浓郁,报价整体上行,成交方面,涨后下游及中间商观望拿货,市场整体成交一…