今日成都镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:据了解,今日市场小幅上涨,成交一般;下游刚需采购,市场交投氛围一般;方面:达钢上调30-50元,下游对高价位资源接受度降低,另外德 胜、威钢纷纷发布规格组距价差调整,其中四级钢在三级钢基础上加260元。短期内,市场资源规格短缺,成本仍有支撑,故预计明日成都市场镀锌方管价格或震 荡趋强。
Today, the market price of galvanized square pipe in Chengdu rose slightly. Local market: it is understood that today's market rose slightly, and the transaction was general; the downstream just needed to purchase, and the market trading atmosphere was general; in terms of square pipe manufacturers, Dagang increased 30-50 yuan, which reduced the acceptance of high-cost resources in the downstream. In addition, Desheng and Weigang have issued price difference adjustment of specification spacing, of which, the fourth grade steel is added 260 yuan on the basis of the third grade steel. In the short term, the market resource specification is short, and the cost is still supported. Therefore, it is expected that the price of galvanized square pipe in Chengdu market will be stronger tomorrow.
方管价格方面,现达钢、威钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4300元/吨,较昨日涨30,成实产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4280元/吨,较昨日涨40;镀锌方管方面,达钢、威钢产Φ18-22mm镀锌方管市场价格为4140元/吨,较昨日涨20;成实产Φ18-22mm镀锌方管市场价格为4130元/吨,较 昨日涨20;龙钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4280元/吨,较昨日涨40;龙钢产三级抗震Φ8-10mm盘螺市场价格为4420元,较昨日涨20。
In terms of square tube price, the current market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Da Gang and Weigang is 4300 yuan / T, 30 yuan higher than yesterday, and the market price of actual production of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed high-speed wire is 4280 yuan / ton, 40 yuan higher than yesterday; in terms of galvanized square pipe, the market price of Φ 18-22mm galvanized square pipe produced by Dagang and Weigang is 4140 yuan / ton, up 20% compared with yesterday; the market price of actual production of Φ 18-22mm galvanized square pipe is 4130 yuan / ton, compared with that of yesterday The market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire rod produced by Longgang was 4280 yuan / ton, up 40 yuan compared with yesterday; the market price of Φ 8-10 mm spiral steel produced by Longgang was 4420 yuan, 20 yuan higher than yesterday.
成都镀锌方管价格或震荡趋强运行厂家跟涨积极方管 成都镀锌方管市场价格上涨30元。原料方面:7日唐山瑞丰带钢出厂价部分涨110元,335-325/355报4220,635-610报4280元,720-685报4280元,含税。 今日原料大幅上涨,主流管厂出厂价大幅上调。市场方面:今日全国市场情绪较为火热,方管厂家跟涨积极,但成都市场方面,方管厂家报价虽有小幅调整,但整体波动不 大。受… 成都镀锌方管市场价格主流探厂家涨价格盘整观望方管 成都镀锌方管市场价格主流探涨,市场方面,由于西南区域冷轧价格处于全国低洼地区,与华东区域价差严重倒挂,在低库存的支撑下,方管厂家主动提涨现货价格目前市场价格贴近5000元左 右。据了解,冷轧价格持续冲高,冷轧产能利用率已经连续四周增加,且逼近近几年来的高点,但全国冷轧库存依然呈现出六连降的良好表… 成都镀锌方管价格或震荡趋弱运行厂家挺价意愿强方管 今日成都镀锌方管市场价格小幅下降。本地市场:据了解,今日市场小幅下降,成交一般。下游需求缓慢释放,市场报价混乱;方管厂家方面挺价意愿强,方管厂家资源较少;消息面:1—10月份,全国固定资 产投资(不含农户)483292亿元,同比增长1.8%,增速比1—9月份提高1.0个百分点。1—10月份,全国房地产开发投资11655…