本周方管市场价格窄幅震荡,较上周同期基本持平。价格方面,9月12日国内方管卷板均价3730元(吨价,下同),较上周同期涨4元。本周行情围绕利好消息与需求掣肘展开,周初在央行降准预期和伊朗铁矿关税带动下,期货蹿红,方管现货小幅上涨,成交转好。中后期行情趋弱,特别是 临近中秋放假,商家为尽快出货成交,有意压低价格。本周各地出货出现些许好转,华北地区大户出货300-500吨,大户出货1千吨以上,华南和华东在 400-500吨,较八月份已有明显增强。据统计,本周方管厂社库存出现下降,其中社库下降3.56万吨,厂库降5.2吨。钢厂方面,沙钢明日正式例行检 修11天,包钢CSP轧线检修正常,北方方管线开工率较上周基本持平。厂库和社库下降原因在于本周出货较上周出现好转,尽管产量攀上343万吨年内新高, 但随着九月份需求的抬头,使得库存稍有下降。
This week's market price shocks were narrow and basically flat compared with the same period last week. On the price side, the average price of domestic pipe coiled sheet on September 12 was 3730 yuan (ton price, the same below), which was 4 yuan higher than the same period last week. This week's market revolved around good news and demand constraints. Early in the week, futures rose sharply, while spot prices rose slightly and turnover improved, driven by the central bank's reduction expectations and Iranian iron ore tariffs. In the middle and late period, the market tended to weaken, especially near the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays. In order to complete the shipment as soon as possible, the merchants intentionally lowered the price. Shipments around the country improved slightly this week, with 300-500 tons shipped by large households in North China, more than 1,000 tons shipped by large households, and 400-500 tons shipped by South and East China, which has increased significantly compared with August. According to statistics, the stock of Fangguan factories decreased this week, including 35,600 tons of social storehouse and 5.2 tons of factory storehouse. For steel mills, Shagang will officially conduct 11 days of routine overhaul tomorrow, and Baotou Steel's CSP rolling line will be regularly inspected and revised. The starting rate of pipelines in the north is basically the same as last week. The reason for the decline in warehouses and social warehouses is that shipments improved this week compared with last week. Although production climbed to a new high of 3.43 million tons in a year, stocks fell slightly as demand rose in September. 目前华北方管价格3670-3690元,上海方管3660-3680元,广州3810元左右。
At present, the price of Huabei Square Pipe is 3670-3690 yuan, Shanghai Square Pipe is 3660-3680 yuan and Guangzhou Square Pipe is 3810 yuan.
值得一提的是,本周螺纹钢厂社库存各降30多万吨,引爆期货拉涨情绪,也带动期卷强势上攻,节前最后一个下午价格拉涨,方管现货市场停止优惠,上 海等地有封盘现象。节后而言,经过叁天的降温,方管市场货再次回到维稳格局,但鉴于目前的厂社库存双降,供需配置良性转好,价格或有一定趋强可能。
It is worth mentioning that this week, stocks of thread steel mills fell by more than 300,000 tons each, triggering futures rally sentiment, but also led to a strong upward trend of the term paper. Prices rose in the last afternoon before the festival, the square control spot market ceased to be preferential, and businesses in Shanghai and other places closed the market. After the festival, after three days of cooling down, the square managed the market goods again to maintain a stable pattern, but in view of the current double decline in factory stock, the supply and demand allocation has improved benignly, and the price may become stronger.