上海方管市场横盘出货。市场方面,尽管早盘期卷弱势震荡运行,但观望出货为主,现主流规格售价在6900-6950元/吨;又由于之前宝钢方管现货价格拉高,然成交未能 有效跟进,加之宝钢检修时间实际缩短,供给预期利好转为相对偏空的局面;此外天气酷暑逐步褪去,需求或将渐渐好转,但整体仍需时间。综合考虑,预计短期上海本地方管价格稳中盘整。
Shanghai Square Management Market, horizontal delivery. On the market side, despite the weak oscillation of the early coil, square tube manufacturers are mainly on the lookout for shipment, and the current mainstream specifications are selling at 6900-6950 yuan/ton. Moreover, due to the previous increase in spot price of square tube in Baosteel, the transaction has not been effectively followed up, and the actual shortening of Baosteel overhaul time, the expected profit of supply has improved to a relatively empty situation. In addition, the hot weather is gradually fading, demand may gradually improve, but the overall time is still needed. Considering comprehensively, it is expected that local management prices in Shanghai will consolidate steadily in the short term. 方管价格方面:今日市场上0.5宝钢6900元/吨含税,较昨日稳;0.6宝钢6750元/吨含税,较昨日稳;0.45宝钢7300元/吨含税,较昨日稳。
In terms of square pipe price, 6 900 yuan per ton of Baosteel in today's market is taxed, which is more stable than yesterday; 6 650 yuan per ton of Baosteel is taxed, which is more stable than yesterday; 7 300 yuan per ton of Baosteel is taxed at 0.45, which is more stable than yesterday.