本周泰安方管市场价格大幅下跌,成交整体较差。回顾本周,周初期货市场连日大幅下跌,现货市场报价较上周下调40元左右,现泰安方管主流价格在3740元/吨。成交方面,本周大户日均成交 约200吨左右,中户日均成交约100吨左右,整体成交较差。据了解,目前山东地区受期货连日大跌影响,价格一直处于低位,方管厂家倒挂程度较高,部分方管厂家表 示锁价资源暂不考虑,且操作谨慎,没有补库意愿,多为按需采购。总得来说,目前泰安地区需求仍处于淡季,贸易商心态稍有悲观,期待后市反弹。预计下周泰安方管或以小幅震荡运行为主。
This week, Taian Fangguan's market prices fell sharply and the overall turnover was poor. Looking back this week, the commodity market fell sharply in the early part of the week. The quotation of the manufacturers in the spot market was reduced by about 40 yuan compared with that of last week. Now the mainstream price of Tai'an Square Management is 3740 yuan/ton. In terms of transaction, the average daily turnover of big households is about 200 tons this week, and that of middle households is about 100 tons, which is not good as a whole. It is understood that the price of Shandong Province has been at a low level due to the impact of futures plunges in successive days. The level of upside-down is relatively high. Some manufacturers said that the lock-in price resources were not considered for the time being, and the operation was cautious, with no intention of replenishing the treasury. Most of them were purchased on demand. Generally speaking, demand in Tai'an region is still in the off-season. Traders have a slightly pessimistic mentality and look forward to a rebound in the future. It is expected that Tai'an Square Tube will be operated mainly by small oscillation next week. 方管价格方面:现泰安主导钢厂4.75mm-9.5mm热轧板卷3740-3750元/吨。锰卷报价为3890元/吨左右。
The square pipe price: Taian leading steel plant 4.75 mm-9.5 mm hot rolled coil 3740-3750 yuan/ton. The price of manganese coil is about 3890 yuan/ton.