









北京方管市场价格趋弱运行厂家有惜售心态北京方管价格偏强运行厂家拿货心态较为谨慎本周北京方管市场价格偏强运行。价格方面:截至12月25日,北京市场津西产200*200H型钢价格为4480元,较上周市场价格涨460元;唐山产25#矩形管价格为4410元,较上周市场价格涨20元;唐山产16#槽钢价格为4350… 北京镀锌方管报价稳中上涨厂家出台政策刺激成交北京方管价格偏强运行厂家拿货心态较为谨慎今日北京地区镀锌方管报价稳中上涨。节后管厂上调价格已达400-500元,北京地区开市相对较晚,价格跟涨滞后,节后上涨幅度300-350元。临近2月底,本地个别方管厂家仍未完成2月份协议量,观望方管厂家是否出台…




This week, the price of Beijing Fangguan market rose sharply. Price: as of December 18, the price of 200 * 200H section steel produced in Jinxi of Beijing market was 4020 yuan, 120 yuan higher than last week's market price; the price of 25 ? I-beam produced in Tangshan was 4390 yuan, up 250 yuan compared with last week's market price; the price of 16 ? square tube produced in Tangshan was 4300 yuan, increased 180 yuan compared with last week's market price, and the price of Tangshan produced 5 ? square tube was 4290 yuan, down 160 yuan compared with last week's market price. (the above Tangshan resource prices are overweight and tax inclusive)

This week, the performance of the raw material end is relatively strong, the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has soared to more than 7000 / m3, and the production capacity of provinces continues to advance, and iron ore and coke are in short supply. The downstream enterprises are facing high cost pressure and raise the ex factory price. At the initial stage, the market is in a confused state for high price resources, mainly wait and see, and the transaction is slightly delayed. By the middle of the week, the cost of billets has been rising, and the steel plate has been rising at the same time, and there have been purchases in the downstream. Although the square tube manufacturers are more cautious in taking goods, the overall inventory of section steel in the north and South regions is gradually digesting, and the inventory pressure of square tube manufacturers is small. At the end of the week, Tangshan environmental protection limited production and billet adjusting plant successively implemented shutdown maintenance, and the supply resources were compressed again, with the maximum daily increase of labor and trough of 70-150 yuan. Although the sentiment of taking goods from the downstream is weakened, the attitude of manufacturers is still optimistic in view of the decrease of supply side and the high cost price.

Forecast: the shortage of resources at the raw material end and the continuous upward movement of cost and price will strongly support the spot market price. However, Tangshan environmental protection limited production to the end of the month, and the supply side resources will be reduced, and the market will be in a state of price and no goods. It is expected that the price of Beijing Fangguan market will be stronger next week.

北京镀锌方管报价稳中上涨厂家出台政策刺激成交方管 今日北京地区镀锌方管报价稳中上涨。节后管厂上调价格已达400-500元,北京地区开市相对较晚,价格跟涨滞后,节后上涨幅度300-350元。临近2月底,本地个别方管厂家仍未完成2月份协议量,观望方管厂家是否出台政策刺激成交。市场成交方面,正月十五之前,传统的“年”尚未过完,因此个别方管厂家以及终端工地尚未开工… 北京镀锌方管价格整体涨10元厂家已经筹备放假休市方管 北京镀锌方管市场价格整体涨10元。期螺方面:午后期螺加速下行,4300点整数关口处几无有效抵抗,以最低价收盘;现货方面部分大户已经连续多日挂零。今日开价方面大户被动跟涨,全天几无 成交。部分方管厂家已经筹备放假休市。原料钢坯稳,现主流方管厂家报价3860元;28日,北京镀锌方管10家大户出货合计几百吨,期… 北京镀锌方管市场价格弱势下行厂家降价甩货但效果很差方管 北京镀锌方管市场价格弱势下行。期螺方面:午后有一定回抽,但反弹动能不强;现货方面整体成交几近停滞,成交几乎全部为市内工程。价格方面整体弱势维稳,午后有个别方管厂家降价甩货但效果很 差。原料钢坯锁价,现主流方管厂家报价3810元;12日,北京镀锌方管10家大户出货合计不足3000吨,较昨日再减1000吨,期螺…
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