This week, the price of galvanized square tube in Shanghai has risen sharply. At the beginning of the week, the price of hot coil futures is on the upward trend, and the market price rises by 30-50 yuan / ton. Generally speaking, the price of downstream cold-rolled tube is higher than that of downstream manufacturers. According to the reflection of the square tube manufacturers, the cold rolling stock in Shanghai is still at a low level recently, and the main market specification is 1.0 resources are out of stock, and the square tube manufacturers' mentality is relatively general, and they mostly quote high prices.
In the middle of the week, the spot price of cold rolling in Shanghai continued to rise sharply, with an increase range of 100-160 yuan / ton. According to the feedback from Fangguan manufacturers, Baosteel's new policy in January 2021 rose by 500 yuan, which significantly boosted the spot market. In addition, the futures price continued to rise, which helped the manufacturer to increase the shipment. In terms of inventory, the local new resources supply is slow, the market inventory pressure is fair, and the local management manufacturers have strong willingness to support the price, and the square management manufacturers report more or less higher in operation. After the rise, the transaction follow-up situation is different, and some downstream companies stop.
At the end of the week, the market price increased by 100 yuan / ton according to the feedback from the manufacturer of the square tube. At present, the local cold rolling stock in Shanghai is 237600 tons, which is 3100 tons less than last week and 12900 tons less than that of last week. Due to the fear of heights of the manufacturers in the early stage, the order quantity was relatively reduced and the market circulation was reduced. Overall, it is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Shanghai will remain stable next week.
As for the square tube price, as of December 11, the average price of 1.0 mm galvanized square pipe in Shanghai was 5580 yuan (ton price, the same below), which was 280 yuan higher than the same period last week and 510 yuan higher than that of the same period last month.
上海地区方管市场价格近期将稳中小幅上涨方管 今日江鑫和鲁丽管坯均上调100元,现20#热轧管坯出厂4880元,连铸出厂4780元。东方管坯上调30元,现20#热轧管坯出厂5230元。今日临沂方管上调50-100元,现108*4.5尘尘出厂:金宝诚5400元、金正阳5350元、瑞钢联5400元、美鑫5280元、泰宗5330元。原料价格持续上涨,管厂因成本原因价格积极上调,市场方面跟随管厂价格上… 上海镀锌方管价格大幅度上涨运行厂家心态较为一般方管 本周上海镀锌方管价格大幅度上涨运行,周初从价格方面来看,热卷期货价格上行趋势,市场价格上涨30-50元/吨不等。但下游采购需求一般,冷轧在高位价格的基础上再次上涨,下游方管厂家表示先观望价格走势,成交面表现一般。据方管厂家反映,近期上海地区冷轧库存仍然处于低位,市场主流规格1.0资源缺货,方管厂家心… 重庆镀锌方管价格或趋强调整厂家成交放缓方管 今日重庆镀锌方管市场价格小幅上涨。本地市场:期货方面,高位震荡上行,4040收盘,涨幅2.38%;现货方面小幅上涨,成交放缓;受期货影响,方管厂家方面纷纷上调出厂价格,据了解,永航厂 上调40元。但是下游成交放缓,终端对高价位资源接受度偏低。市场方面交投一般,询价气氛尚可,短期内现货库存处在低位。预计明…