As of the 10th, the market price of galvanized square tube in Shenyang area: the current market price of Shandong 108 × 4.5 is 4600 yuan, that of Jianlong 219 × 6 market is 4600 yuan, and that of Baotou Steel is 377 × 10 market price of 4680 yuan.
Today, Changzhou Dongfang tube blank is raised by 30 yuan, and the ex factory price of 20 × 10 hot-rolled tube blank is 4630 yuan; Jiangxin tube blank is increased by 50 yuan, and the ex factory price of 20 × 10 hot-rolled tube blank is 4150 yuan. In terms of square tube manufacturers, the cumulative increase of 20-100 yuan today is 108 * 4.5mm, and the ex factory price is 4500-4650 yuan. Shandong Luli raised 50-100 yuan, now the factory price of 108 * 4.5mm is 4610 yuan.
Market: today, the market price of galvanized square tubes in Shenyang is passively driven up by the manufacturers of square tubes. However, the overall shipment is still weak. In addition, due to the low temperature in Shenyang, most of the projects have started to stop work, and the market takes less goods. The square tube manufacturers have no influence on the mentality of price increase, and they mainly make positive shipment. Generally speaking, it is expected that the market price of galvanized square pipe in Shenyang area will rise steadily.
沉阳镀锌方管价格或震荡为主厂家挺价意愿较强方管 沉阳镀锌方管价格降20元,市场成交清淡。今日热卷黑色系期货持绿运行,原料现货观望。据方管厂家反馈,沉阳地区镀锌方管市场需求表现较差,下游恐高情绪持续发酵,对高价资源接受度下降,多按需采购,无集中备货意愿。成交方面,今日部分方管厂家出货量190吨左右。十一月底将至,东北地区天气变冷加剧,对需求抑制… 沉阳镀锌方管价格或高位运行为主厂家备货意愿不强方管 今日沉阳镀锌方管价格涨30-50元/吨,市场交投氛围清淡。今日热卷黑色系期货持红运行,原料现货价格拉涨。据方管厂家反馈,沉阳地区镀锌市场需求表现一般,下游恐高情绪渐浓,备货意愿不强,多按需采购。成交方面,今日部分方管厂家出货量230吨左右。十一月底将至,东北地区天气变冷加剧,对需求有一定抑制,但好在… 沉阳市场镀锌方管市场价格主稳运行厂家挺价出货方管 沈阳市场镀锌方管市场价格主稳运行,个别趋高。市场方面,方管厂家方面,鞍钢出厂持稳,目前鞍钢出厂价沈阳办基价报3940,鞍山报3950,鞍钢市场现货跟势持平,今钢坯早 盘续涨20,支撑现货商心态较好,营口资源偏强上调10,方管厂家挺价出货,但近两日资源交投较卷板显逊色,询盘尚可,整体成交各异,后市心态分歧…