上海方管价格主流偏强,市场方面,期螺2101探底回升收3881,跌14,跌幅0.36%。唐山钢坯稳 报3580元/吨,含税出厂,今上海方管价格主流偏强,主流规格价格在4280-4290元/吨。从市场了解的情况看,产量继续下降,市场资源供应压 力不大,信息面仍利好,随着午后期卷翻红,现货资源坚挺出货。库存方面:本周上海同口径库存为27.6万吨,减少0.1万吨;仓库库存为41.45万吨, 减少0.9万吨。综合考虑,故预计短期内本地方管主流价格或震荡调整。
Shanghai Fangguan's price mainstream is strong. In terms of the market, futures 2101 bottomed up, closed 3881, down 14, or 0.36%. Tangshan steel billets are stable at 3580 yuan / ton, including tax. The mainstream price of Shanghai Fangguan is stronger, and the mainstream specification price is 4280-4290 yuan / ton. According to the market understanding, the output of square tube manufacturers continues to decline, the pressure of market resource supply is not big, and the information is still good. With the turn of afternoon volume, the spot resources are firm and shipment. In terms of inventory: this week, Shanghai's inventory of the same caliber was 276000 tons, a decrease of 1000 tons; the warehouse inventory was 4145000 tons, a decrease of 9000 tons. After comprehensive consideration, it is expected that the mainstream price of local management will be adjusted in the short term.
In terms of square tube price: at present, the mainstream price of square tube resources with the size of 5.5mm * 1500 is 4280-4290 yuan / ton, that of 5.5mm * 1500 low alloy resource is 4390-4400 yuan / ton, and that of 5.5mm * 1800 square tube resource is 4440-4450 yuan / ton.
重庆镀锌方管市场价格以稳为主厂家挺价意愿强方管 今日重庆镀锌方管市场价格以稳为主。本地市场:期货方面,夜盘跳水,早盘窄幅震荡,盘中震荡下行,跌幅0.32%;现货方面小幅上涨,成交较弱。下游需求释放缓慢,方管厂家挺价意愿强;再者方管厂家 方面多关注后期各地区冬储政策,以及现货价格的走势。另外方管厂家方面:永航持稳。预计明日重庆市场镀锌方管价格或震… 无锡镀锌方管价格主流偏强厂家情绪偏谨慎方管 无锡镀锌方管价格主流偏强,市场方面,早盘期螺持绿震荡,但对市场影响相对寥寥,多名方管厂家整体报价幅度差距在30左右涨跌稳均现,但大部分方管供应商较昨偏强。 从方管供应商口中得知,市场高位成交不佳,方管供应商心态维持观望,下游拿货情绪不高。目前下游接单情况陆续转弱,方管厂家情绪偏谨慎,整体库存维… 郑州镀锌方管价格涨跌互现厂家成交明显受阻方管 郑州市场镀锌方管价格涨跌互现。市场方面,今日早盘市场涨跌互现,安阳资源回落,邯钢与武钢受主导市场影响高靠,但盘中需求不畅,实际成交均可议价。据了解,市场买涨不买跌,加之近 段时间郑州当地因环保等问题公司停产需求受限,多数方管厂家反馈成交明显受阻。资源方面,近期市场需求不畅,市场库存整体小幅增…