今日重庆镀锌方管市场价格持稳运行。本地市场:期货方面,高位震荡,3913收盘,涨幅0.54%;现货方面持稳运行,成交较弱;近期外省盘线资源到货较多,故盘线价格跌幅较大。另外方 面:永航持稳,方管厂家方面价格较坚挺。消息面:据第一商用车网统计数据显示,2020年11月份,我国重卡市场销售各类车型约12.8万辆,环比下降7%, 同比增长26%。目前来看,供应方面持续增加,库存增长拐点或即将到来。预计明日重庆市场镀锌方管价格或趋弱调整。
Today, the market price of galvanized square pipe in Chongqing is stable. Local market: futures, high volatility, 3913 closed, up 0.54%; spot, stable operation, trading weak; in the near future, a large number of resources from other provinces have been delivered, so the price of the market has dropped greatly. In addition, the square tube manufacturers: Yonghang is stable, and the prices of square tube manufacturers are relatively firm. News: according to the statistics of the first commercial vehicle network, in November 2020, China's heavy truck market sold about 128000 vehicles of various types, with a month on month decrease of 7% and a year-on-year increase of 26%. At present, the supply side continues to increase, and the inflection point of inventory growth may be coming. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Chongqing market will weaken tomorrow.
方管价格方面,现重钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4210元/吨,持稳,达钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4220元/吨,持稳;三级抗震镀锌方管方面,重钢产 Φ18-22mm镀锌方管市场价格为4070元/吨,持稳;达钢产Φ18-22mm镀锌方管市场价格为4080元/吨,持稳;龙钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价 格为4190元/吨,持稳;龙钢产三级抗震Φ8-10mm方管市场价格为4370元/吨,持稳。
In terms of square tube price, the current market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4220 yuan / ton, which is stable; in terms of grade III seismic galvanized square pipe, the market price of Φ 18-22mm galvanized square pipe produced by Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is 4070 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of Φ 18-22mm galvanized square pipe produced by datco is 4080 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of Φ 8-10mm high-speed wire produced by Longgang is 4080 yuan / ton, stable The market price of Φ 8-10 mm square tube produced by Longgang is 4370 yuan / ton, which is stable.
上海地区方管市场价格近期将稳中小幅上涨方管 今日江鑫和鲁丽管坯均上调100元,现20#热轧管坯出厂4880元,连铸出厂4780元。东方管坯上调30元,现20#热轧管坯出厂5230元。今日临沂方管上调50-100元,现108*4.5尘尘出厂:金宝诚5400元、金正阳5350元、瑞钢联5400元、美鑫5280元、泰宗5330元。原料价格持续上涨,管厂因成本原因价格积极上调,市场方面跟随管厂价格上… 长沙镀锌方管价格或偏强调整厂家看涨后市方管 今日期方管跳空高开高走,尾盘收涨143元/吨。现货价格方面,今日长沙镀锌方管价格大幅上涨。成交方面,多数方管厂家还未复工,市场成交暂未启动。市场心态方面,方管厂家多数集中在下周复工,由于假期利好消息的兑现,期货市场方面上涨幅度较大,因此多数方管厂家看涨后市。结合目前的市场情况来看,预计明日长沙镀… 南京镀锌方管价格节前平稳过渡厂家目前价格高位方管 南京地区镀锌方管价格持续盘整。市场方面,期盘窄幅调整,现货随原料锁价侯报价整体企稳,今日主导镀锌方管厂出厂价格政策继续持平。据反馈南京地区大户现货库存做到8千吨左右,而中小户正 常库存甚至偏低,未进行多余冬储,目前价格高位,加上部分管厂协议2月份要完成30%,而且北方年内工人留厂较多,年内产能可能…