南京市场价格上涨,成交尚可。早盘螺纹钢期货延续夜盘强势上涨。唐山方坯累涨20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3580元。期螺的大 涨也拉动了现货,南京市场价格多次跟涨,成交也相对顺畅。整体来看,需求对价格依然有很好的支撑,但是高价资源成交仍然较弱。不过由于期螺和钢坯的上涨, 钢厂涨价意愿强烈。综上所述,预计明日南京市场价格或持续上涨。
Nanjing market manages the price to rise, the transaction is still acceptable. Early-trading threaded steel futures continued the strong rise of the night market. Tangshan billet has risen by 20 yuan, and now ordinary carbon billet has been discharged with tax of 3580 yuan. The sharp rise of futures snails has also stimulated the spot market. Nanjing market prices have been rising many times, and transactions have been relatively smooth. Overall, demand still has a good support for prices, but the transaction of high-price resources is still weak. However, due to the rise of snails and billets, steel mills are willing to increase prices. To sum up, it is expected that prices will continue to rise in Nanjing market tomorrow. 价格方面:截止发稿时,永钢、沙钢三级大螺纹4270元(吨价,下同),涨40元。
Price: Up to the time of submission, Yonggang and Shagang three-level large threads 4270 yuan (ton price, the same below), up 40 yuan.