天津市场镀锌方管价格大幅上涨,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(贬齿)及唐山本地普碳方坯持涨20元后价报3660元/吨,含税出厂。唐山瑞丰带钢出厂:635-610/585-550报4350涨50,355-345、305-295报4300涨60,含税。市场面,调价面,今大邱庄本地镀锌方管均涨 60-80元/吨,4寸镀锌方管友发、利达、飞龙、君诚均报5130-5650元/吨;另外唐山京华、正元也多涨40-60元/吨,市场报价表现强劲,方管厂家多推高出厂价,订单反馈尚可,现货库存并不全面。需求面,目前虽然处于淡季,但方管厂家之间的串货比较频繁;再加上原料坚挺,使得市场价格涨势强劲。因此预计 天津镀锌方管市价或将继续偏强。
The price of galvanized square tube in Tianjin market has risen sharply and the transaction is general. At the opening of today's trading, raw materials, Changli (HX) and Tangshan Local square tube manufacturers Pu carbon billet holding up 20 yuan, after the price of 3660 yuan / ton, including tax factory. Tangshan Ruifeng strip steel factory: 635-610 / 585-550 reported 4350, increased 50355-345, 305-295 reported 4300, up 60, including tax. In terms of market and price adjustment, the local galvanized square pipes in Daqiuzhuang have increased by 60-80 yuan / ton, while the 4-inch galvanized square tubes Youfa, Lida, Feilong and Juncheng are all quoted at 5130-5650 yuan / ton; in addition, Tangshan Jinghua and Zhengyuan have also increased by 40-60 yuan / ton, with strong market quotation performance, square tube manufacturers pushing up the ex factory price, the order feedback is OK, and the spot inventory is not comprehensive. On the demand side, although it is in the off-season at present, there are frequent cross-border goods between the square tube manufacturers; in addition, the strong raw materials make the market price rise strongly. Therefore, it is expected that the market price of galvanized square tube in Tianjin will continue to be stronger.
In terms of square tube price: in Tianjin market, the price of 1.5 inch * 3.25 Youfa galvanized square tube is 5420 yuan / ton, the price of 4 inch * 3.75 Youfa galvanized square tube is 5130 yuan / ton, and the price of 6 inch * 4.0 Youfa galvanized square tube is 5510 yuan / ton.
天津镀锌方管市价或将继续偏强厂家多推高出厂价方管 天津市场镀锌方管价格大幅上涨,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(贬齿)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持涨20元后价报3660元/吨,含税出厂。唐山瑞丰带钢出厂:635-610/585-550报4350涨50,355-345、305-295报4300涨60,含税。市场面,调价面,今大邱庄本地镀锌方管均涨 60-80元/吨,4寸镀锌方管友发、利达、飞龙、君… 天津镀锌方管市场平稳盘整较低的市场需求方管 本周天津镀锌方管市场平稳盘整,成交情况依旧不容乐观。周内,本地产热轧管坯大幅上涨。进入12月份,本地镀锌方管市场主流方管厂家日出货量已明显减少,随着温度降低,还将进一步萎缩。从需求方面来说,目前造成市场有价无市最主要的原因就是社会需求较少,直接导致整个产业链运行不畅,但就目前的情形看,短期内并… 天津镀锌方管价格高位坚挺整理厂家盘中普遍让利方管 天津镀锌方管价格高位松动,市场方面,受昨天夜盘期货表现不佳的影响,今早开盘市场信心较差,华北一些卷板报价宽幅松动。因卷板市价高企,终端谨慎情绪较强,市场询单问价偏少,方管厂家盘中普遍让利。盘中关联期货震荡上行,市场心态稍有安稳,不过午前天津本地低位资源报到4300,主流4310。因方管厂家资源增加投…