唐山镀锌方管价格高位松动,市场方面,热轧下游产业数据使得消费可期加之高原料成本面的支撑,拉涨意愿强,热卷期货主力连续第四日攀升。昨天尾盘唐山市场补涨了30元,下游接受度较差,市场交投 陷入停滞,加之今天螺纹盘中震荡回落,唐山开平板多次高位下调。另外唐山今天迎来降雨天气,午间12时重污染相应随之解除,继续执行秋冬减排方案。预计短 期唐山镀锌方管市场价格高位盘整。
Tangshan galvanized square tube price high loose, the market, hot-rolled downstream industry data makes consumption predictable, coupled with high raw material cost support, square tube manufacturers strong willingness to pull up, hot coil futures main force for the fourth consecutive day. At the end of yesterday's afternoon, Tangshan market made up 30 yuan, the downstream acceptance was poor, and the market trading was stagnant. In addition, today's choppy intraday fall, Tangshan's flat plate has been lowered many times. In addition, Tangshan ushered in the rainy weather today, and the heavy pollution was relieved at 12:00 p.m., and the emission reduction plan for autumn and winter was continued. It is expected that the market price of galvanized square tube in Tangshan will be high in the short term.
Square tube price: as of noon, the base price of mainstream open plate is 4020 yuan / ton, 3.5-11.75 Anfeng / Yan steel / vertical and horizontal hot coil is 4010 yuan / ton.
唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格强势上调厂家上涨意愿明显方管 唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格强势上调,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持累涨20元后价报3620元/吨,含税出厂;唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4280涨80,360-355、295-290/325-320报4220涨50,含税。唐山285-355系带钢市场偏强,瑞丰 3890宏兴3880安丰/唐银/津西/盛丰/兆丰/金马/宝… 唐山镀锌方管价格以稳为主厂家有一定的挺价意愿方管 今日唐山镀锌方管市场价格以稳为主。夜盘期钢止跌反弹市场情绪逐渐好转,今日原材料价格价格整体稳中偏强运行,方管厂家整体有一定的挺价意愿,个别高位资源有小幅回落增加出货,市场成交方面依旧是集中在低价资源,低价成交上量后方管厂家取消优惠政策,预计明日唐山镀锌方管市场价格保持高位窄幅调整。Today, Ta… 唐山方管市场将窄幅趋稳调整厂家利润相对乐观方管 唐山方管价格稳中涨10。当前原料端对市场仍有较强的支撑作用,需求端钢企大量减产的可能性较小,且利润相对乐观,对原料采购需求仍在,后期价格深跌的可能性不大。而钢坯支撑尚且稳定,环保管控二级预警后又出解除政策,然终端需求难现持续释放,方管厂家对后期走势陷入迷茫。预计短期方管市场将窄幅趋稳调整。罢补苍…