上海市场镀锌方管价格暂稳,市场成交一般,以出货为主。整体来看,因中秋节前成交整体一般,中秋节后调整价格意愿不大,操 作保持成交出货为主。9月已经过半,传统“金九”最终表现相对不及预期,对于现有市场情况而言,大部分方管厂家认为不存在需求大幅放量的可能。再过两周,即将 迎来十一国庆,目前市场供需关系相对平衡,行情走势仍相对平缓。后市来看,方管厂家将抓住短期有效出货时机,方管价格不太会大幅上涨。综合来看,预计上海方管市场行情或继续盘整运行。
The price of galvanizing in Shanghai market is stable for the time being, and the market turnover is general, mainly for shipment. Overall, due to the general transaction before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Fangguan manufacturers have little willingness to adjust prices after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the main operation is to maintain delivery. In September, the performance of the traditional "Golden Nine" is not as good as expected. For the current market situation, most of the managers do not think there is a possibility of large demand volume. In another two weeks, the Eleventh National Day will be celebrated soon. At present, the relationship between supply and demand in the market is relatively balanced, and the market trend is still relatively flat. In the future, square tube manufacturers will seize the short-term effective delivery opportunity, square tube prices will not rise significantly. Generally speaking, it is expected that Shanghai will take charge of the market or continue to consolidate its operation. 方管价格方面:今日上海鞍钢无花1.0*1250*C报价4520元/吨,本钢1.0*1250*C报 价4510元/吨,马钢1.0*1250*C报价4800元/吨,首钢1.0*1250*C报价4570元/吨,唐钢1.0*1250*C报价4530元/吨。
As for square pipe price, Anshan Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. today quotes 4520 yuan/ton for No-flower 1.0*1250*C, Benxi Iron and Steel Co. 1.0*1250*C for 4510 yuan/ton, Ma Steel 1.0*1250*C for 4800 yuan/ton, Shougang 1.0*1250*C for 4570 yuan/ton, Tanggang 1.0*1250*C for 4530 yuan/ton.