上海镀锌方管市场价格暂稳。今日上游原材料价格暂稳,管厂出厂价格普稳个调。目前上海地区镀锌方管价格保持平稳,整体成交情况欠佳。据当地钢贸商反映,近期市场需求仍无明显好 转,出货水平整周维持低量成交。对后市信心不足,方管厂家心态偏悲观,保持观望情绪。库存方面持续低位水平运行,按需补货,操作谨慎。整体来看,预计短 期内上海镀锌方管市场价格将稳中偏弱运行为主。
The market price of galvanized square tubes in Shanghai is stable for the time being. Today, the price of raw materials in the upstream is temporarily stable, and the ex-factory price of the pipe factory is generally stable. At present, the price of galvanized square tubes in Shanghai has remained stable, and the overall turnover is not good. According to local steel traders, the market demand has not improved significantly in the near future, and the delivery level has maintained a low turnover throughout the week. Traders are not confident about the future market, they are pessimistic about the manufacturers and keep a wait-and-see mood. Inventory continues to operate at a low level, replenishing on demand and operating cautiously. Overall, it is expected that the market price of galvanized square tubes in Shanghai will be stable, moderate and weak in the near future. 原料方面,今日下午唐山普碳150方坯价格暂稳,报价3370元;唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢价格暂稳,报价3680元。河北地区主流焊镀管厂出厂价格普稳,个别下调20。
In terms of raw materials, the price of Tangshan Pucarbon 150 billet was temporarily stable this afternoon with a quotation of 3370 yuan, while the price of Tangshan Ruifeng 355mm series strip was temporarily stable with a quotation of 3680 yuan. Prices of main welded and plated pipe plants in Hebei province are stable, with individual price cuts of 20%.
Galvanized square pipe price: Youfa 4 inch (3.5mm) galvanized square pipe price 4830 yuan, Zhengjin 4 inch (3.5mm) galvanized square pipe price 4720 yuan, Lida 4 inch (3.5mm) galvanized square pipe price 4910 yuan, above are the same as the previous trading day.