武汉方管市场价格均涨10-20元。今日市场价格依旧小幅上调,期螺和成本持续提振,昨日大户出货基本在2000-3000吨,外来资源出货在200-600之间,市场交易气氛在持 续冷淡的情况下被打开,成交有一定放量,市场也借此机会积极出货,尽量消耗库存,午后唐山昌黎迁安钢坯稳,现普碳方坯含税出厂3350,较昨日涨20 元,成本端小幅上调,期螺高位震荡,上行趋势明显,市场心态有所回暖,预计明日武汉方管市场价格稳或小幅上调。
The market price of Wuhan Fangguan increased by 10-20 yuan. Today's market prices are still rising slightly, snails and costs continue to boost. Yesterday, large-scale shipments were basically 2000-3000 tons, and foreign resources shipments were between 200-600. The trading atmosphere in the market was opened under the continuous cold conditions, with a certain volume of transactions. Market managers also took this opportunity to actively ship goods and consume inventory as much as possible. In the afternoon, Tangshan Changli Qian'an steel billet was stable. Now the carbon billet with tax was discharged from the factory 3350, which was 20 yuan higher than yesterday. The cost side increased slightly. The snail height shook. The upward trend was obvious. The market mentality was warming up. It is expected that the price of Wuhan square pipe market will be stable or slightly increased tomorrow. 方管价格方面:武汉方管市场鄂钢产Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4020元;鄂 钢产Φ18-22螺纹市场价格为3720元;萍钢产Φ18-22螺纹市场价格为3660元;武钢产Φ18-22螺纹市场价格为3690元;鄂钢产 Φ8-10mm盘螺市场价格为4070元,以上价格均涨10-20元。
In terms of square pipe price, the market price of 8-10mm high-speed wire produced by Wuhan square pipe market is 4020 yuan; the market price of 18-22 thread produced by Egang is 3720 yuan; the market price of 18-22 thread produced by Pinggang is 3660 yuan; the market price of 18-22 thread produced by Wuhan square pipe market is 3690 yuan; the market price of 8-10mm disc thread produced by Egang is 4070 yuan, and the above prices all rise 10 yuan.- 20 yuan.