本周杭州方管价格出现大幅度下跌趋势。即将踏入九月初旬,下游需求持续减弱,在此影响下,杭州方管卷板价格弱势,出货清淡,日均出货在300吨左右。期货方面,本周方管卷板期货 出现了明显下跌,价格下跌入谷,但近两日有了小幅好转。方管厂家到货一般,方管厂家营销方案采取下压价格,使得库存不会出现明显积累。据我网统计,杭州方管卷板 库存在3.5吨,周环比上涨9.37%。据方管厂家反映,目前3660-3670元价格水平上下游接受尚可,3680元出货则显清淡。近期属于钢铁市场的淡 季月,和往年相同,价格上下起伏不稳,近期方管厂家处于观望期。后市而言,价格在下周会有上涨可能,但从方管厂家反映的出货较差方面推断,预计下周价格大幅度 下跌的可能性暂无。下周方管厂家需重点关注下游需求和期货走势为刺激价格上下的重点。综合而言,预计下周杭州方管价格上涨可能性较大,价格参考幅度在40元左右。
This week, the price of Hangzhou Fangguan has fallen sharply. Towards the beginning of September, the downstream demand continues to weaken. Under this influence, the price of Hangzhou square tube coiled sheet is weak, and the shipment of square tube manufacturers is light, with an average daily shipment of about 300 tons. On the futures side, this week's local tube sheet futures fell significantly and prices fell to the trough, but they have improved slightly in recent two days. Square control manufacturers generally arrive at the goods, Square control manufacturers'marketing plan to adopt a lower price, so that there will be no obvious accumulation of inventory. According to our network statistics, Hangzhou square pipe coiled sheet inventory in 3.5 tons, Ring-up 9.37%. According to the factories in charge, the current price level of 3660-3670 yuan is acceptable downstream, while delivery of 3680 yuan is light. Recently, it belongs to the off-season of the iron and steel market. As in previous years, prices fluctuate and fluctuate unsteadily. Recent quadrant management manufacturers are in a wait-and-see period. In the future, the price may rise in the next week, but inferring from the poor shipment reflected by the square management manufacturers, it is not expected that the price will fall sharply next week. Next week, Square managers need to focus on downstream demand and futures trends to stimulate prices. Generally speaking, it is expected that the price of Hangzhou Fangguan will rise more likely next week, with a reference range of about 40 yuan. 方管价格方面,截至8月30日,杭州5.5mm方管卷板平均价格为3660元(吨价,下同),较上周同期下跌130元,较上月同期下降270元。
As for square tube prices, as of August 30, the average price of 5.5mm square tube sheets in Hangzhou was 3660 yuan (ton price, the same below), 130 yuan lower than the same period last week and 270 yuan lower than the same period last month.