方管市场价格均下跌。今日方管受周末期间期螺的下跌及钢坯的下调,北方重点城市唐山方管钢厂指导价格均下调10-70元,北方部分跟跌,跌后下游需求依然不济,方管厂家操作谨 慎,钢厂端限产依然持续,小厂库存基本偏空,大厂库存在1万左右,低价资源部分出货尚可,后市预期普遍不看好,9月限产正常将会继续严谨,南方地区跟涨跌 幅度较小,市场成交依然不济,唐山资源也逐渐消耗,午后唐山、昌黎迁安普碳方坯含税出厂3380元,今日下跌40元,期螺持续下行,市场心态受挫,预计明日国内方管市场价格仍偏弱运行。
Prices in both markets fell. Today, due to the fall of snails and steel billets during the weekend, the guiding prices of Tangshan Fangguan Steel Works in the key northern cities have been lowered by 10-70 yuan. Some businesses in the north have fallen. After the fall, the downstream demand is still poor. Businessmen are cautious in their operation, the end production limit of steel mills is still sustained, the stock of small factories is basically empty, and the stock of large factories is about 10,000 yuan. The low-cost resources part of the shipment is still acceptable, future market expectations are generally not optimistic, the normal production limit in September will continue to be rigorous, the southern region with a small rise and fall, the market turnover is still not good, Tangshan resources are gradually consumed, Tangshan, Changli Qian'an Pu carbon billet with tax left factory 3380 yuan, down 40 yuan today, snail continued to decline, the city. The market mentality has been frustrated, and it is expected that the domestic market price will still be weak tomorrow. 方管价格方面:现国内重点中心城市25#工字钢的平均价格是4160元(吨价,下同),较昨日市场价格跌9元;25#槽钢平均价格是4216元,较昨日市场价格跌9 元;5#角钢平均价格是4167元,较昨日市场价格跌5元;200*200H型钢平均价格是3913元,较昨日市场价格跌12元。
In terms of square pipe price, the average price of 25_I steel in the Yen, 12 yuan lower than yesterday's market price.