合肥方管市场价格与上一交易日相比价格暂稳运行。根据贸易商反映,今日合肥方管市场整体成交一般。由于前期方管合肥市场成交情况较差,本地方面没有大幅增加库存的情况,所以目前大 部分贸易商手中库存量较少。从供需基本面来看,虽然方管近几个月供应为主动减产的过程,但疲软的下游需求完全不能抵消目前的供应,因此现货价格是下跌的行 情;但是,由于钢坯价格一直处于高位水平,所以从成本支撑、热冷价差以及10月份之前大环境的扰动来看,方管下跌的的空间也不足,因此整体来看,认为方管现货价格涨跌两难,或将以震荡运行为主。
Hefei Fangguan Market Price has been running steadily compared with the previous trading day. According to the trader's reflection, Hefei manages the market as a whole today. Due to the poor trading situation in the Hefei market in the early stage, the local traders did not increase their stocks substantially, so most traders have less stocks at present. From the basic point of view of supply and demand, although the supply of square tubes has been the process of active production reduction in recent months, the weak downstream demand can not offset the current supply, so the spot price is falling; however, because the billet price has been at a high level, the cost support, hot-cold price difference and before October are large. In view of the disturbance of the environment, there is also insufficient room for the decline of the square tube. Therefore, on the whole, it is considered that the square tube's spot price will be in a dilemma of rising and falling, or it will be mainly operated by shocks.
In terms of square pipe price, Ma Steel's 1.0*1250*2500 square pipe sheet quotes 4260 yuan/ton, 1.5*1250*2500 square pipe sheet quotes 4250 yuan/ton, and WISCO's 1.0*1250*2500 square pipe quotes 4340 yuan/ton.