主稳个跌。主导市场,北京以稳为主,天津、上海、广州均小幅下跌。昨日市场氛围冷清,期螺夜盘更是一个大跳水,直接跌破 4000,市场情绪再度紧绷。今早开盘,期螺维持低位走势,但考虑到成本的支撑,市场心态还算平和。所以今日开市,方管市场主稳个跌。从市场了解到,今日 各地成交依旧不温不火,午前盘面走势低迷,市场信心不足。午后虽然靠着消息面,逆回购资金面或宽松的利好期螺走出了一波反弹行情,但是冲劲仍然不足,收盘 前20分钟再次跌至低位。但是整体来看,市场不时出现的利好消息对市场也有所提振,对后市依然观望为主。综合上述分析,预计明日行情或盘整运行。
The market price is falling steadily. In the dominant market, Beijing is mainly stable, while Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou all fell slightly. Yesterday, the market atmosphere was cool, and the snail night disc was a big dive, falling below 4000 directly, and the market sentiment was tightened again. Opening this morning, futures snail maintained a low trend, but considering the cost support, the market mentality is still calm. So when the market opened today, the market price fell steadily. From the market, we know that today's local transactions are still tepid, the noon market trend is low, and the market confidence is insufficient. In the afternoon, although relying on the news, counter-repurchase funds or loose bullish snails came out of a bounce, but the momentum is still insufficient, and fell to a low level again 20 minutes before closing. But on the whole, the good news from time to time in the market has also boosted the market, while the managers are still mainly on the lookout for the future market. Based on the above analysis, it is expected that the market will reorganize tomorrow.
方面,国内重点城市Ф6.0尘尘高线平均为4378元(吨价,下同),跌5元;国内重点城市Ф25尘尘叁级螺纹钢平均 4029元,跌7元。主导城市方面:北京高线(6mm)4880元,持平;三级螺纹钢(25mm)主流规格3930元,持平;上海市场高线4270元,跌 10元;三级螺纹钢4000元,跌10元。