镀锌方管价格稳中趋强。从昨天期盘开始黑色系积极上涨,加上第二轮中央生态环保督察全面启动和武安地区三 季度大气污染防治实施方案等消息,带动今日现货价格快速拉涨,河北地区镀锌方管价格盘中二次追涨,出厂价格累计上调30-50元不等,现主流管厂方管4寸 (3.75mm)出厂报价在4150-4460元,镀锌管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价5170-5430元,成交向好。下游暂未跟涨,商家普遍表 示近期价格调整太快跟不上节奏,操作以出货为主,市场情绪观望。短期内,原料的高位或继续带动现货价格坚挺,镀锌方管观望趋强。
The price of galvanized square pipe is stable and tends to be strong. Since yesterday's futures market, the black system has risen actively, together with the news of the second round of the central ecological environmental protection supervision and the implementation plan of air pollution prevention and control in the third quarter of Wu'an area, which has led to the rapid increase of spot prices today. The price of galvanized square tubes in Hebei area has increased twice, and the total price of factory has increased by 30-50 yuan. Mainstream pipe factory square pipe 4 inch (3.75mm) ex-factory quotation is 4150-4460 yuan, galvanized pipe 4 inch (3.75mm) ex-factory quotation is 5170-5430 yuan, good deal. Downstream traders have not kept up with the rise for the time being. Businessmen generally say that the recent price adjustment is too fast to keep up with the rhythm. The operation is mainly shipment, and market sentiment is on the sidelines. In the short term, high raw materials or continue to drive spot prices strong, galvanized square tube wait-and-see trend.
方管价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4324元,比昨日价格上涨 2元,中心城市除唐山上调20-30元,其他中心城市报价暂未选择跟涨。
In terms of price, the average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square tubes in key cities in China is 4324 yuan, which is 2 yuan higher than yesterday's price. In addition to the 20-30 yuan increase in Tangshan, other central cities have not yet chosen to follow the price increase.