北京地区方管市场价格持稳,出货一般,受环保限产政策影响,黑色系期货面表现较好,带动钢材市场大幅拉涨,原料管坯震荡上扬,但下游需求实在不佳,导致方管 价格上涨动力不足,部分商家为了促进出货,均暗降让利。库存方面也是维持正常偏低水平。据反馈,上周末出货出现好转,主要是因为目前方管价格处于 低位,部分经销商有囤货意愿,再加上近期成材价格坚挺上行,增加商家信心。综上,预计短期内北京方管价格维稳运行。
The price of square tube Market in Beijing is stable and the delivery is general. Affected by the policy of environmental protection and production restriction, the black futures market performs well, which leads to a sharp rise in the steel market and a surge in raw materials and billets. However, the downstream demand is really poor, which leads to insufficient momentum for square tube price rising. In order to promote shipment, some businessmen concede profits. Inventory also maintained a normal low level. According to feedback from manufacturers, shipments improved last weekend, mainly because of the current low price of Square management, the willingness of some distributors to hoard goods, and the recent strong rise in finished product prices, which increased business confidence. In summary, it is expected that Beijing Square Price will maintain stable operation in the short term.
In terms of square pipe price, Shandong produces 108*4.5 quoted 4680 yuan; Shandong Molong produces 325*8 quoted 4950 yuan; Baotou Steel produces 377*10 quoted 5700 yuan.