27日合肥市场暂稳,成交一般。今日保持平稳,市场交投氛围较为清淡。库存方面,因为前段时间普遍有所放量,现在库存承压较小,甚至部分有囤货意愿。原料方面, 热卷后续存在上涨空间,对有一定支撑作用。据反馈,认为短期内受外围市场刺激,方管稳中看涨,但是长期来看下游需求不足,方管价格 下跌的可能性更大。对于后市方面,贸易商目前还是谨慎观望。因为下游客户还没有大幅度到市场采货。贸易商近期和方面也没有订货的打算。综合来看,预计本周方管价格持稳运行。
On the 27th, Hefei's market price was stable and the transaction was normal. Today's market prices remain stable and the trading atmosphere is relatively light. Inventory aspect, because the previous period of time the merchants generally have the volume, now the inventory pressure is smaller, and even some managers have the desire to hoard goods. In terms of raw materials, there is room for the price of hot coil to rise in the follow-up, which has a supporting effect on the price of square tubes. According to feedback, traders believe that in the short term, stimulated by the peripheral market, square tube prices are stable and bullish, but in the long run, the downstream demand is insufficient, and square tube prices are more likely to fall. For the future, traders are still cautious. Because the downstream customers haven't come to the market to pick up goods by a large margin. Traders and steelmakers have no plans to place orders in the near future. Generally speaking, we expect the price of Square Management to be stable this week.