南京市场方管价格上涨,不过成交依然低迷。早盘螺纹钢期货延续了夜盘强势上涨。唐山方坯涨20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3460元。 尽管受期螺的影响,方面有涨价的意愿,不过现货市场却是有价无量。低价资源价格上调加上雨天,对偏弱的需求更是雪上加霜。目前在供强需弱的基本面没有 发生明显变化的情况下,期螺的拉涨很难对现货市场有所带动。不过受成本影响,方管厂家挺价意愿仍然较强。综上所述,预计明日南京市场方管价格或窄幅调整。
Nanjing market manages to raise prices, but the turnover is still depressed. Early-trading threaded steel futures continued the strong rise in the night market. Tangshan billet increased by 20 yuan, and now ordinary carbon billet with tax is 3,460 yuan out of the factory. Despite the influence of snails and the willingness of manufacturers to raise prices, the spot market is invaluable. Rising prices of low-priced resources and rainy days aggravate weak demand. At present, in the absence of obvious changes in the basic aspects of strong supply and weak demand, the pull-up of futures snails is difficult to drive the spot market. However, affected by the cost, the willingness to bid is still strong. To sum up, it is expected that the Nanjing market will adjust its price by a narrow margin tomorrow.
Square pipe price: By the time of submission, Yonggang, Shagang three-level large threads 4020 yuan (ton price, the same below), up 10 yuan.