















本周唐山方管震荡下跌运行,周中需求有阶段性的较强跟进后转弱,市场库存受需求影响明显上升,钢厂、对后市仍偏于悲观。本周唐山方管价格主要震荡下跌为主,需求受钢坯与期螺影响也 有阶段性的显著影响,周初期,受上周末钢坯价格累跌的影响,工角槽价格周末累跌30-70左右,H型钢价格波动不大,整体成交一般。需求偏弱,钢市价格走 跌使方管厂家心态低迷,周中期,钢坯小幅度回涨,因期螺震荡上行提振市场,工角槽价格盘中累涨30-40左右,市场气氛活跃,成交火爆上升近三成,周边地区纷 纷小幅跟涨,尽力出货去库存,周后期需求转弱,因钢坯小幅调整,所以方管市场价格以稳为主部分调整,成交量一般偏弱。

This week, Tangshan Fangguan went down, demand weakened after a strong follow-up in the middle of the week, market inventory was significantly affected by demand, steel mills, Fangguan manufacturers are still pessimistic about the future market. This week, Tangshan square pipe price mainly shocks and falls. Demand is also affected by billet and snail. At the beginning of the week, due to the impact of billet price decline over the weekend, corner groove prices fell by about 30-70 over the weekend. H-beam prices fluctuated little and the overall turnover was general. Demand is weak, steel market price decline makes square tube manufacturers'mentality depressed. In the mid-week, billet slightly increased. Due to the concussion of snails, it boosted the market. The price of corner groove increased by about 30-40%. The market atmosphere was active and the turnover was booming by nearly 30%. The surrounding areas increased slightly, trying their best to deliver goods to stock, and the demand turned weak in the later period of the cycle. Because of the small adjustment of billet, square tube market. Market price is mainly adjusted by stabilization, and turnover is generally weak.


State of rolling mill: As of June 13, statistics were made on 50 production lines of 29 section mills in Tangshan, 24 of which were shut down or overhauled, with a start-up rate of 52%, which was the same as last week: 8 of which had 3, 18 slots, 14 slots, 21 corners, 7 and 3 H slots.


Inventory of finished products: As of June 13, the inventory of finished products in 24 square pipe factories in Tangshan was about 389,000 tons, which increased by 42,000 tons last week (June 6), up by 12.1%.

下周来看,受环保影响,唐山市丰润区独立轧钢公司于6月13日15时开始停产。解除另行通知,6月14日市环保组会统一检查该地矿山公司,通过环评验收之后 方可正常生产,对钢厂生产造成一定影响,各地库存规格相对齐全,今日钢坯涨10元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3510,预计下周唐山方管市场价格震荡运行。

Next week, due to environmental impact, the independent rolling enterprises in Fengrun District of Tangshan City began to stop production at 15:00 on June 13. Release of separate notice, on June 14, the city environmental protection group will check the mining enterprises in the area, through the environmental assessment acceptance before normal production, which has a certain impact on the production of steel mills. Stock specifications are relatively complete everywhere, billet up 10 yuan today, now ordinary carbon billet with tax 3510 factory, is expected to run next week Tangshan square tube market price shocks.

方管价格方面:截6月14日,唐山正丰产5#角钢价格为3850元,较上周同期价格涨10元;唐山电力产的16-18#槽钢价格为 3800元,较上周同期价格跌70元;唐城产的14-20#工字钢价格为3790元,较上周同期价格跌70元;唐山鑫亿源产125*125的H型钢价格为 3890元,较上周同期价格跌60元。

As for square pipe price, as of June 14, the price of Tangshan Zhengfeng 5 # angle steel was 3850 yuan, 10 yuan higher than the same period last week; the price of Tangshan 16-18 # channel steel was 3800 yuan, 70 yuan lower than the same period last week; the price of Tangcheng 14-20 # I-beam steel was 3790 yuan, 70 yuan lower than the same period last week; the price of Tangshan Xinyiyuan 125 * 125 H-beam steel was 3890 yuan, lower than the same period last week. 60 yuan. 

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