重庆方管市场价格暂稳,主流成交一般。今日黑色系期货盘面趋强运行,但方管现货市场价格并未受期货盘面影响,表现相对稳定。从昨日方管市场成交情况来看,节后终端需求小幅释放,成交量较上一工 作日有较大提升。反馈,由于汽车板块始终产销两弱态势,从中长期来看,终端需求难有大幅好转迹象,市场库存仍是供大于求,因此当前操作仍以降库出货 套现为主。预计重庆方管价格或仍将震荡趋弱运行为主。
The market price in Chongqing is stable for the time being, and the mainstream transaction is general. Today, the black futures market is running stronger, but the spot market price under the control of the party is not affected by the futures market, and the performance is relatively stable. Judging from the trading situation in the square management market yesterday, after the festival, the terminal demand was released slightly, and the turnover was much higher than that in the previous working day. Dealer feedback, as the automobile sector has always been weak in both production and sales, in the medium and long term, terminal demand is difficult to show a significant improvement, market inventory is still oversupply, so the current operation is still mainly to reduce warehouse delivery cash. It is anticipated that Chongqing Square Price will continue to operate mainly with weakening shocks.
Price: Panzhihua Steel 1.0mm*1000*2000 square tube sheet for 4200 yuan/ton, 1.0mm*1250*C for 4120 yuan/ton, Liugang 1.0mm*1250*C for 4110 yuan/ton.