博兴镀锌方管市场价格稳中低靠,市场方面,今相关期货市场震荡调整,现货出货价格出现松动,现市场主流规格报价在4180-4340元/吨,成交方面,据当地多数方管厂家反馈,尽管询盘数量未有减少,但是实际成交无几,下游拿货积极性较差,但考虑到目前市场资源来看,库存量并不高,导致方管厂家心态较为坚挺,故料短期博兴镀锌方管市场以震 荡调整为主。
The price of boxing galvanized square tube market is stable and low. In terms of the market, the relevant futures market is fluctuating and adjusting, and the spot square tube manufacturer's shipping price is loose. The mainstream specification quotation in the market is 4180-4340 yuan / ton. In terms of transaction, according to the feedback of most local square tube manufacturers, although the number of inquiries has not decreased, the actual transaction is very few, and the enthusiasm of taking goods from downstream is poor In terms of market resources, the inventory is not high, which leads to the firm mentality of the square tube manufacturers. Therefore, the short-term boxing galvanized square tube market is mainly subject to shock adjustment.
In terms of square tube price, the price of 0.3 color base is 4340 yuan / ton, which is 10 yuan lower than last week; 0.4 color base is 4180 yuan / ton, falling 10% compared with last week; 0.5 strength is 4230 yuan / ton, stable compared with last week.