南京市场方管价格下跌,成交萎缩。早盘螺纹钢期货开盘不久便开始跳水尾盘略有拉升。唐山方坯涨10元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3600 元。从当地了解,今日方管市场成交普遍低迷。一方面是受到期螺影响,下游终端采购的积极性不大,另外月底大多方管厂家也已基本无心恋战。目前供给方面尚无明 显压力,不过今天期螺的大跌或对钢厂产生影响。综上所述,预计明日南京市场方管价格或继续下跌。
In Nanjing market, prices fell and transactions shrank. Threaded steel futures in early trading began to dive slightly in the tail trading shortly after the opening. Tangshan billet increased by 10 yuan, now ordinary carbon billet with tax 3,600 yuan out of the factory. From the local managers, we know that the market turnover of local managers is generally depressed today. On the one hand, due to the impact of snails, downstream terminal procurement enthusiasm is not strong, and at the end of the month, most businesses have basically no desire to fight. At present, there is no obvious pressure on supply, but today's snail fall may have an impact on steel mills. To sum up, it is expected that prices in Nanjing market will continue to fall tomorrow.
Square pipe price: By the time of submission, Yonggang and Shagang three-level large threads 4170 yuan (ton price, the same below), down 20 yuan.