南京方管价格主流暂稳,市场方面,现主流规格售价在4400-4420元/吨,从了解的情况看,黑色系期货走低开高走,观望出货为主,成交方面,周出市价大涨后下游 拿货积极性一般,成交紧靠低位资源,考虑目前市场流通资源有限,部分规格紧缺,方管厂家心态坚挺,综上所述,预计短期内本地方管主流价格稳中趋强。
The mainstream price of Nanjing Fangguan is temporarily stable. In terms of the market, the price of the mainstream specifications is 4400-4420 yuan / ton. From the understanding of the situation, the black futures are opened at a lower level and higher at a higher level. The manufacturers of the square management company mainly wait and see the shipment. In terms of transaction, the market price of the weekly market rises sharply and then downstream The enthusiasm of taking goods is general, and the transaction is close to the low-level resources. Considering the limited circulation resources in the market, the shortage of some specifications, and the firm mentality of the local management manufacturers, it is expected that the mainstream prices of local management will be stable and strong in the short term.
In terms of square tube price: at present, the mainstream price of square tube resources above 5.5-11.5 * 1500 is 4400-4420 yuan / ton, and the price of thin-walled square tube resources above 5.75 * 1800 is 4500-4520 yuan / ton, which is partially flat compared with the price of the previous day.
南京镀锌方管价格稳中仍强厂家观望情绪较浓方管 南京镀锌方管市场价格稳中仍强。市场方面,方管厂家出货价格依然保持坚挺,而且由于市场上部分规格短缺现象较为严重,本钢、武钢价格仍继续探涨。不过目前整个市场交投氛围却表现一般,方管厂家观望情绪较浓,考虑在低库存支撑下,计当地市场短期镀锌方管价格坚挺运行。The price of galvanized square pipe in Na… 南京方管主流价格稳中趋强厂家观望出货为主方管 南京方管价格主流暂稳,市场方面,现主流规格售价在4400-4420元/吨,从了解的情况看,黑色系期货走低开高走,方管厂家观望出货为主,成交方面,周出市价大涨后下游 拿货积极性一般,成交紧靠低位资源,考虑目前市场流通资源有限,部分规格紧缺,方管厂家心态坚挺,综上所述,预计短期内本地方管主流价格稳中趋强。…