大邱庄市场方管价格小幅上涨,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(贬齿)及唐山本地普碳方坯稳报3580元/吨,含税出厂;唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4150稳,355-345、320-315报4110涨10,含税。市场面,调价面,考虑近期北方原料强势,目前津唐等地区的成品 方管厂均小幅拉涨,幅度在10-20之间,现主流规格暂报4130-4360元/吨,虽然需求订单不佳,不过好在成本支撑,并且不断趋涨,因此后市在原料的带动,还会有望再次上涨。操作面,随着工程接近尾声,转到年底淡季,恐怕需求未必能够跟进且恢复。虽然环保力度加强,带给方管厂家一定的支撑力度,但是因为需求的弱势,使得成品管难有大幅度拉涨的机会,后市仍会震荡为主,谨慎观望为佳。因此预计后市大邱庄方管市场或将坚挺运行。
Daqiuzhuang market Fangguan prices rose slightly, trading in general. At the opening of today's trading, Changli (HX) and Tangshan Local square tube manufacturer's ordinary carbon billet steadily reported 3580 yuan / ton, including tax; Tangshan Ruifeng steel strip factory: 635-610 reported 4150 stable, 355-345, 320-315 reported 4110, up 10, including tax. In terms of market and price adjustment, considering the recent strength of raw materials in northern China, at present, the finished square tube factories in Tianjin, Tangshan and other regions have slightly increased, with the range of 10-20. The current mainstream specifications are tentatively quoted at 4130-4360 yuan / ton. Although the demand order is poor, the good thing is that the cost is supported, and it keeps rising. Since then, driven by the market in raw materials, it is expected to rise again. On the operation side, as the project is drawing to a close, I am afraid that the demand may not be able to follow up and recover. Although the strengthening of environmental protection will give some support to the manufacturers, the weak demand makes it difficult for the finished products to pull up substantially. The future market will still be volatile, so it is better to be cautious and wait-and-see. Therefore, it is expected that the future market of Daqiuzhuang will be strong.
In terms of Fangguan price, the price of 108 * 3.25 Bora Fangguan is 4370 yuan / ton, 114.3 * 2.75 Bora Fangguan is 4360 yuan / ton, 273.1 * 5.0 Bora Fangguan price is 4500 yuan / ton.
广州镀锌方管价格或将窄幅震荡厂家成交稍好方管 广州镀锌方管现货市场小幅探涨。期货方面,螺纹期货2105合约盘面午后高位运行,终报收于3912,涨128,最高3924最低3815,增仓5.8万余手。原料方面,唐山钢坯今日涨 20元,现普碳含税出厂价3620元(周末涨20元)。市场成交方面,广州镀锌方管现货市场窄幅调整。方管厂家反馈,上周缓发的计划在今日部分得以落实,整… 郑州镀锌方管市场价格将稳中个涨厂家成交量有小幅下滑方管 郑州镀锌方管市场价格,今日管坯价格坚挺,临沂管厂累计上调10-50元,其中金宝诚上调50元,现57*3.5mm冷拔出厂4750元,60-76*8-16mm出厂4450 元,108*4.5mm出厂4500元;金正阳上调10元,现57*3.5mm出厂4580元,108*4.5mm出厂4430元;泰宗上调30元,现 57*3.5mm冷拔出厂4760元,108*4.5mm出厂4480元。市场成交量有小… 广州市场方管价格主稳运行厂家多跨进快出为主方管 广州市场方管价格主稳运行,成交欠佳。今日开盘,7日唐山方坯:昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持累涨20元后价报3620元/吨,含税出厂。7日唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4280涨80,360-355、295-290/325-320报4220涨50,含税。广州本地方管交投氛围欠佳,终端需求下 降,上游原料价格持续高涨,市场价格部分地…