北京镀锌方管市场价格继续下行。期螺方面:午后震荡运行,尾盘跳水,最低价收盘;现货方面今日大户出价开盘继续下跌,场面依旧混乱;而随着价格持续下探,低价资源成交进一步好转,而近期 南城价格与北城价格基本回到同一水平,南城稍好于北城;原料方面唐山部分普方坯降10元,方管出厂报3580元;3日,北京镀锌方管10家大户出货合计 7600吨,成交较昨日有一定好转;期螺钢坯双双下探,预计明日北京镀锌方管价格或弱势震荡。
Beijing galvanized square tube market prices continue to decline. In the aspect of futures market, the trading of low-cost resources was further improved as the price continued to decline The prices of Nancheng and Beicheng are basically back to the same level, and Nancheng is slightly better than Beicheng; in terms of raw materials, Tangshan's common square billet is reduced by 10 yuan, and the square tube factory report is 3580 yuan; on the 3rd, Beijing's top 10 galvanized square tubes delivered 7600 tons in total, and the transaction was improved compared with yesterday's; the steel billets in the future are both under investigation, and it is expected that the price of galvanized square tubes in Beijing will fluctuate in a weak way tomorrow.
方管价格方面,北京市场镀锌方管、高线沙龙批量成交指导价格:河钢产300Φ8-10mm高线市场价格为4450元,较昨日持平;三级E标镀锌方管方面,河钢产Φ12mm 镀锌方管市场价格为4120元,较昨日降30元,河钢产Φ22mm镀锌方管市场价格为3760元,较昨日降30元;河钢产Φ8mm方管市场价格为4070元, 较昨降40元。
In terms of square tube price, the guiding price for batch transaction of galvanized square tube and high-speed wire salon in Beijing market: the market price of 300 Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Hegang was 4450 yuan, which was the same as yesterday; in terms of galvanized square tube of grade III e standard, Hegang produced Φ 12mm The market price of galvanized square pipe was 4120 yuan, 30 yuan lower than yesterday; the market price of Φ 22mm galvanized square pipe produced by Hegang was 3760 yuan, 30 yuan lower than yesterday; the market price of Φ 8mm square pipe produced by Hegang was 4070 yuan, 40 yuan lower than yesterday.
沉阳地区镀锌方管价格或震荡为主厂家成交惨淡方管 今日沉阳镀锌方管价格维持上涨趋势,市场成交惨淡。今日热卷黑色系期货高位运行,相关钢坯原料上行。据方管厂家反馈,沉阳地区镀锌方管市场需求表现不佳,下游恐高情绪持续发酵,对高价资源接受度下降,多按需采购,无集中备货意愿。成交方面,今日部分方管厂家出货量170吨左右。镀锌方管方面,华北地区燕赵蓝天镀… 唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格强势上调厂家上涨意愿明显方管 唐山市场镀锌方管市场价格强势上调,成交一般。今日开盘,原料面,昌黎(HX)及唐山本地方管厂家普碳方坯持累涨20元后价报3620元/吨,含税出厂;唐山瑞丰带钢出 厂:635-610报4280涨80,360-355、295-290/325-320报4220涨50,含税。唐山285-355系带钢市场偏强,瑞丰 3890宏兴3880安丰/唐银/津西/盛丰/兆丰/金马/宝… 潍坊本地方管主流价格或坚挺运行厂家心态较乐观方管 潍坊方管价格整体高靠,市场方面,现主流规格售价在4320元/吨。从了解的情况来看,期卷宽幅走高,迭加钢坯累涨20提振,方管厂家心态较乐观,盘中资源同步上调,主流规格普遍上调近百元,成交方面,下游需求拿货较谨慎,市场成交紧靠低位资源,考虑目前市场资源部分规格紧缺,方管厂家惜售心态渐起,综上所述,预计…