长春镀锌方管价格涨幅过百,市场方面,唐山钢坯涨20报3620元/吨含税出厂。今长春镀锌方管涨幅过百,主流规格价格在4190元/吨。经了解得知,期货强势上行,心态坚挺,前期谨慎观望的方管厂家情绪面 释放,报价快速高涨。本地实际需求一般,整体出货不强。库存方面:权威数据统计显示,当前本地镀锌方管库存总量为9600吨,处于全年低位。综合考虑成本高 企。预计短期内本地镀锌方管主流价格高位盘整。
The price of galvanized square tube in Changchun has increased by more than 100. In terms of market, Tangshan Steel Billet rose 20 yuan to 3620 yuan / ton, including tax. Today, the price of galvanized square pipe in Changchun has increased by more than 100 yuan, and the mainstream specification price is 4190 yuan / ton. It is learned that the futures market is going up strongly, and the management manufacturer's mentality is firm. In the early stage, the management manufacturer's mood is released and the quotation is rising rapidly. The actual local demand is general, and the overall shipment is not strong. Inventory: authoritative statistics show that the current local galvanized square pipe inventory is 9600 tons, which is at the low level of the whole year. Considering the high cost. It is expected that the main price of local galvanized square pipe will be high in the short term.
In terms of square tube price: at present, the main square tube price of 2.75? Mm * 1500 resources is 4230 yuan / ton, that of 3.75-10? Mm * 1500 resources is 4190 yuan / ton, and that of thin-walled square tube resources is 4310 yuan / ton.
长春镀锌方管主流价格高位盘整厂家心态坚挺方管 长春镀锌方管价格涨幅过百,市场方面,唐山钢坯涨20报3620元/吨含税出厂。今长春镀锌方管涨幅过百,主流规格价格在4190元/吨。经了解得知,期货强势上行,方管厂家心态坚挺,前期谨慎观望的方管厂家情绪面 释放,报价快速高涨。本地实际需求一般,整体出货不强。库存方面:权威数据统计显示,当前本地镀锌方管库存…